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Building a new Blackwood Installer

Download NSIS

WWWIC uses a open source system called NSIS to create installer files. First, on a Windows system, you must install NSIS.

Setup the Directory Structure

Directories need to be set up in certain places so that the NSIS script can find the necessary files. I'll just use ./ to denote the present directory.

The NSIS script used for Blackwood can be found in the SVN repository.

First, copy “blackwood.nsi” to “./”. Also create a directory named “./Client”.

Within “./Client”, you need a handful of items, some of which you can grab from a current install of Blackwood. So fill “./Client” with the “jre6”, “blackwood.ico”, and “LICENSE.txt”. From your Eclipse workspace, you also want to grab “lib” and “edu” from within the “bin” directory (“bin” contains the compiled class files. You'll need to build Blackwood in Eclipse before this step.).

Your final directory structure should look like this:


Running NSIS

This last step is easy, right click on “.\blackwood.nsi” and select “Compile NSIS Script”. This will create the .exe file to use as the new Blackwood installer, which can be found in “blackwood-install.exe”

classes/csci345_slator/nsis.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 00:11 by localadmin