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Requested ITS Classroom and Lab Software for Spring 2023

updated: 09/23/2022

Apache NetBeans

  1. Carryover from Fall 2022
  2. Licensing: Apache License 2.0
  3. Version: 12.5
  4. Installer: Apache-NetBeans-12.5-bin-windows-x64.exe
  5. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Accept the default install location.
    3. Set path to JDK to C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11\bin
    4. Start NetBeans by running “C:\Program Files\netbeans\bin\netbeans64.exe”. Also creates a start menu shortcut.
    5. Go to the Tools → Plugins → Available Plugins menu and select JavaFX Implementation for Windows, Editor :: Autosave, and the nb-javac Java editing support library plugins. Click Install.
    6. Go to the Tools → Options → Java Platforms menu and be sure the Java Platform points to Zulu 11 (C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11\bin) folder you installed earlier.
    7. Exit Netbeans.
    8. Done with install and configuration.
  6. Size: 720 MB
  7. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, & virtual (250 computers).

Zulu OpenJDK 11 LTS (Java)

  1. Carryover from Fall 2022
  2. Licensing: Open Source
  3. Version: 11.0.12 LTS
  4. Installer: zulu11.50.19-ca-jdk11.0.12-win_x64.msi Link:
  5. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Add the location “C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11\bin” to the Path environment variable.
    3. Done with install and configuration.
  6. Size: 300 Mb
  7. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, & Virtual (251 computers).


  1. Carryover from Fall 2022
  2. Licensing: GPL v2
  3. Version: 1.14.1
  4. Installer: TortoiseSVN-
  5. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Done with install and configuration.
  6. Size: 52MB
  7. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250).


  1. Updated for Spring 2023 ✅
  2. Licensing: Open source and distributed under the MIT license.
  3. Version: 0.77
  4. Installer: putty-64bit-0.77-installer.msi
  5. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Accept the default component options.
    3. Done with install and configuration.
  6. Size: 4 MB
  7. Location: All Labs, All IC.

Cmder mini

  1. New for Spring 2023 ✅
  2. Licensing: Open Source License
  3. Vendor URL:
  4. Version: 1.3.19
  5. Installer:
  6. Instructions:
    1. Unzip package
    2. Move resulting cmder_mini folder to c:/ or other location as desired.
    3. Create a desktop and/or start menu shortcut to Cnder.exe.
    4. Done with install and configuration
  7. Size: 30MB
  8. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250).


  1. New for Spring 2023 ✅
  2. Licensing: Open Source License
  3. Version: Version: 2.37.3 (64bit)
  4. Installer: Git-2.37.3-64-bit.exe
  5. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Accept the default options
      1. Windows Explorer integration
        1. Git Bash Here
        2. Git GUI Here
      2. Git LFS
      3. Associate .git files with the default editor
      4. Associate .sh files to be run with Bash
    3. When you get to the 'Choosing the default editor used by Git' screen. Choose Nano as the default text editor. Then select all the remaining default options.
    4. Add C:\Program Files\Git\cmd to the Path Variable.
    5. Done with install and configuration.
  6. Size: 742 MB
  7. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250).

NodeJS w/Angular

Install before Visual Studio Code & Firebase
  1. New for Spring 2023 ✅
  2. Version: 16.17.1 LTS
  3. Installer: node-v16.17.1-x64.msi
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer accepting the default options.
    2. When the installer finishes, open a Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as administrator and enter “npm install -g @angular/cli@latest”
    3. Done with install and configuration.
  5. Size: 74 MB
  6. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250).

Visual Studio Code

Install after NodeJS
Include extensions: TypeScript, TypeScript Hero, Angular Snippets (version 8) Angular Essentials, & Angular Bootstrap Snippets
  1. Updated for Spring 2023
  2. Licensing: Open Source License
  3. Version: 1.71.2 or latest
  4. Installer: VSCodeSetup-x64-1.71.2.exe
  5. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Accept the default options ensuring that when it comes to the 'Select Additional Tasks' screen, the ‘Add to PATH (requires shell restart) option is checked.
    3. After Install, open a Windows CMD Prompt at install typescript by running 'npm install -g typescript'
      1. Add typescript to each users environment variable (/Users/YourAccountNameHere/appdata/roaming/npm) if not already be there.
    4. Close CMD Prompt
    5. Start Visual Studio Code.
    6. Configure to use My Documents folder on the lab machine as the workspace so all projects are saved there (Should be default after install).
    7. Go to Preferences → Extensions and install
      1. SSH Terminal 0.0.4
      2. Java Language Support v0.2.42
      3. C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp) v.1.25.0
      4. Angular snippets v13.0.0
      5. angular2-switcher v0.4.0
      6. Angular Language Service v14.2.0
      7. REST Client v0.25.1
      8. TSLint v1.3.3 (Can skip as depreciated)
      9. Prettier - Code formatter v9.0.0
      10. Material Icon Theme v4.10.0
      11. typescript v0.0.1
      12. TypeScript Hero v3.0.0
    8. Done with install and configuration.
  6. Size: 305 MB
  7. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250).


Install before Django
  1. Licensing: Open Source License
  2. Version: 3.10.4
  3. Installer: python-3.10.4-amd64
  4. Instructions:
  5. Run the installer as administrator
    1. Choose the ‘Customize installation“
    2. Keep the default options until you get to Customize install location. Be sure:
      1. Install for all users is checked
      2. Add Python to environment variables is checked
      3. Install location is C:\Program Files\Python310.
    3. Click Install.
    4. After installer finishes. Check that the path to the python.exe executable has been added to the system’s ‘Path’ environment variable.
    5. The Path environment variable is found in Control Panel → System → Advanced System Settings → Environment Variables
    6. Or if you prefer the less user friendly Window 10 Settings approach. Settings → System → About → System info → Advanced System Settings → Environment Variables.
    7. Open a Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator:
      1. Enter “python –m pip install –upgrade pip” (That's a dash before the m and 2 dashes before the upgrade)
      2. Enter “python –m pip install numpy pandas matplotlib scikit-learn patsy statsmodels jupyter
    8. Done with install and configuration.
  6. Size: 652 MB
  7. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Morrill 103, 105, 107, Virtual Lab. (154 computers)

Django for Python3 w/mysqlclient

Install after Python 3.10.x
  1. New for Spring 2023 ✅
  2. Licensing: Open Source License
  3. Version: 4.1.1
  4. Installer: There is no install file. Once Python3 is installed use Python’s Pip to install Django.
  5. Instructions:
    1. After the path to the python.exe executable is included in the Windows Path environment variable, open a Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator and enter “python –m pip install Django” and pip will download and install Django.
    2. In the Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator, enter “python –m pip install mysqlclient” and pip will download and install the MySQL client & drivers.
    3. Done with install and configuration.
  6. Size: 10 MB
  7. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Morrill 103, 105, 107, Virtual Lab. (154 computers)

Firebase CLI

Install after Node.js
  1. New for Spring 2023 ✅ works w/deprecation warnings
  2. Licensing: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
  3. Version: 11.12.0 or latest
  4. Installer: There is no install file. Once Python3 is installed use Python’s Pip to install firebase.
  5. Instructions:
    1. Open a Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as administrator and enter “npm install -g firebase-tools”
    2. Done with install and configuration.
  6. Size: 85 MB
  7. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250).

Atom IDE

  1. Canceled: Atom has been sunset as of Dec 15 2022
  2. Licensing: BSD-licensed
  3. Vendor URL:
  4. Version: 1.60.0
  5. Installer: AtomSetup-x64.exe
  6. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. When the option for 'Register as default atom: URI handler?' appears. Choose Yes.
    3. Start Atom
    4. Choose the 'Install a Package' option
    5. Open the installer
    6. Search for and install the following packages
      1. ide-java v0.9.1
      2. platformio-ide-terminal v2.10.1
        1. Under Edit»Settings»Packages»Platformio Ide Terminal»Settings»Shell Override Set Shell Override to the cmd.exe (C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe)
      3. autocomplete-python v1.17.1
      4. atom-django v0.3.2
    7. Done with install and configuration.
  7. Size: 114 MB
  8. Location: Not Installed.

Bcrypt for Python and Django

(Install after Python3 and Django)
  1. New for Spring 2023 ✅
  2. Licensing: Open Source License
  3. Version: 3.2.0
  4. Installer: There is no install file. Once Python3 and Django are installed use Python’s Pip to install bcrypt.
  5. Instructions:
    1. Open a Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator
    2. Enter “pip install bcrypt Django[argon2]”
  6. Done with install and configuration.
  7. Size: 62 KB
  8. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Morrill 103, 105, 107, Virtual Lab. (154 computers)


  1. Carryover from Fall 2022
  2. Licensing: GNU General Public License
  3. Version: 5.19.6
  4. Installer: WinSCP-5.19.6-Setup.exe
  5. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer.
    2. Choose custom installation.
    3. Accept all defaults until you get to the Initial User Configuration window where you can choose between commander and explorer Interface options. Choose Explorer.
    4. Done with Install and configuration.
  6. Size: 99 MB
  7. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, Ladd 107, AG Hill 234, 240, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, & Virtual (300 computers).


  1. Should have been installed Fall 22 requested again for Spring 2023 ✅
  2. Licensing: GNU General Public License
  3. Version: (64bit)
  4. Installer: x2goclient-
  5. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Accept the default component options.
    3. Choose Destination Folder, Menu Folder (usually defaults)
    4. Firewall can be configured to only connect to NDUS networks and NDSU internal networks.
    5. Done with install and configuration.
  6. Size: 55 MB
  7. Location: All Labs, All IC


  1. New for Spring 2023 ✅
  2. Licensing: Open Source License GPL (v3) license
  3. Version: 3.3.3
  4. Installer:
  5. Instructions:
    1. Unzip package
    2. Move resulting sqlitestudio folder to c:/ or other location as desired.
    3. Create a desktop and/or start menu shortcut to SQLiteStudio.exe.
    4. Done with install and configuration
  6. Size: 58MB
  7. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, and Virtual (151).

GitHub Desktop Client

  1. New for Spring 2023 ✅
  2. Version: 3.0.8
  3. Installer: GitHubDesktopSetup-x64.exe
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run installer.
    2. Accept the defaults
    3. Done with install
  5. Size: 322 MB
  6. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, and Virtual (151).

Visual Studio 2022 Community

  1. Updated for Spring 2023
  2. Version: 2022 Community v17.1
  3. Installer: VisualStudioSetup.exe
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer. It may download updates.
    2. When presented with the ‘install components’ option choose the following:
      1. ASP.NET and web development
      2. Azure development
      3. Python development
      4. Node.js development
      5. .NET Multi-platform APP UI development
      6. .NET desktop development
      7. The Universal Windows Platform Development
      8. Desktop development with C++
    3. Click Install
    4. Windows may want to restart.
    5. Done with install and configuration.
  5. Size: 8.1 GB
  6. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250).


  1. Carryover from Fall 2022
  2. Licensing: GNU General Public License
  3. Version: 2.49
  4. Installer: clisp-2.49-win32-mingw-big
  5. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Choose Install for All users and accept the remaining default component options.
    3. Choose Destination Folder, Menu Folder (usually defaults)
    4. Done with install and configuration.
  6. Size: 30 MB
  7. Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200 (149 computers).
helpdocs/software_spring2023.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/08 22:01 by localadmin