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Notary and Notary2 Duplex Function (Windows Version)

If you want to print on both sides of the page, but are too lazy to print every other page and then flip the stack over, both Notary and Notary2 printers have a duplex (print on both sides) function.

If your Notary printers are already configured to print duplex

You are in luck. Just change the drop down to the print on both sides option.

Click to Enlarge

If your Notary printers are not configured to print duplex

NOTE: It appears that Windows 10 is not allowing administrators to configure printers for specific users.😞 Individual users need to do this themselves.

NOTE: Microsoft likes to move things around during windows updates so the exact procedures may vary. This is current as of — local admin 2021/07/17 10:59

If you try to print on both sides and see that duplex printing is not available, follow the steps below.

Click to enlarge.

Step 1

Open Windows settings.

Step 2

Choose Devices

Step 3

Choose Printers & Scanners

Step 4

Find your printer in the list. It should say Notary (or Notary2) but may be different such as Kitchen HP Laserjet P4015. You should know which printer you are using to print to Notary (or Notary2).

Step 5

Click on the printer name and select the manage option.

Step 6

Click on Printer properties

Step 7

A smaller properties window will open.

Click on Device Settings

Step 8

The small window will change to the Device Setting Tab.

Here you can see that the printer settings say that the Duplex Unit is Not Installed.

Click on the Not Installed link and a drop down box will appear.

Change the option to Installed.

Then click Apply.

Step 9

Window should now be aware that the printer had a Duplex unit installed and should allow printing on both sides of the paper.

helpdocs/notary_duplex.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/23 12:57 by localadmin