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File restoration on the Bacula system

Option 1 aka 'The ask Adam method'

You can email the CS Department Systems Administrator and ask for files to be restored. Please include details such as 'which files to restore'.

Option 2 aka 'The do it yourself method'

You can also restore files through the 'bconsole' program. This is a standard part of the client installation and can be launched through the Start Menu. Once launched, you will be shown a prompt.

The first thing you'll want to do is to enter the 'setip' command. This tells the server where your computer is on the network.

Now enter the 'restore' command

You will be given a number of options to allow you to select a specific version of a file. Typically the most recent backup will be desired, this is option '5'. Other options have various parameters, if you do choose a different option you'll be asked questions relating to that option.

The backup server will work a bit to reconstruct the most recent backup. After this is done you'll be given a prompt to select files. You can navigate the file system in a manner similar to Linux or DOS.

ls Shows a list of files in the current directory
dir Show a list of files and attributes in the current directory
mark <filename> This marks a file or folder for restoration
unmark <filename> This unmarks a file or folder for restoration
done This ends the file selection and proceeds to the next setp

Once you 'mark' the files and folder you'd like to have restore, enter 'done' and you'll be prompted to review the restore options.

Here you can enter 'yes' to continue, 'mod' to change parameters, or 'no' to cancel. Most of these parameters should not be changed. Once you enter 'yes', the following message appears.

And your restore is queued. If daily backups are running, the restoration may need to wait until those are finished. By default, restored files are placed in c:\bacula_restore\, from there you can move them as you wish.

backup/restore.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/15 01:28 by localadmin