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x2go for Windows

Download the x2go client for Windows here:

Run the installer

To launch x2go, go to Start –> All Programs –> X2go Client for Windows –> x2go Client.

Once started, you will be greeted by this screen:

For the host field, type the ip address of the server you want to connect to. For the login field, type your CS username. Keep the SSH port at 22.

Change to the connection tab:

If you are working on campus, you can move the slider to WAN or LAN. If you are off campus, you probably want to choose ADSL. This slider changes the connection based on your connection speed. You can also change your compression settings.

The input/output tab is used for changing resolution, DPI, and keyboard settings.

If you are connecting to one of the CS Department lab or research computers, on the media tab, be sure “Enable Sound Support” and “Client side printing support” are NOT checked.

Once all the information is in, press OK. You should see your session on the right side of the window. Click it, and a box will pop up asking for your password. Type it in, and if you're asked to trust the host key, press yes. That's it! You should now be logged in to your remote host!


If x2go is not making a connection to the remote host:

Starting a Saved Session

In order to reconnect using a saved session, click on the connection box in the column on the right. You need to click on the box above the remote address line.

Note: Some graphical applications do not like to work via x2go. GoogleEarth for example.