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Requested ITS Classroom and Lab Software for Fall 2020

updated: 5/1/2020 8/25/2020


  1. Licensing: GNU General Public License
  2. Version: (64bit)
  3. Installer: x2goclient-
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Accept the default component options.
    3. Choose Destination Folder, Menu Folder (usually defaults)
    4. Done with install and configuration.
    5. Firewall can be configured to only connect to NDUS networks and NDSU internal networks.
    6. Done with install and configuration.
  5. Size: 55MB


  1. Licensing: GNU General Public License
  2. Version: 2.49
  3. Installer: clisp-2.49-win32-mingw-big
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Accept the default component options.
    3. Choose Destination Folder, Menu Folder (usually defaults)
    4. Done with install and configuration.


  1. Version: 0.3.32
  2. Installer: tm0-3-32s.exe
  3. Instructions:
    1. Extract installer to C:\Program Files (x86) or other suitable location
    2. Create link to “ C:\Program Files (x86)\tm0-3-32s\tkmoo.exe” or folder chosen in previous step.
    3. Done with install and configuration.


  1. Licensing: GPL v2
  2. Version: 1.12.0
  3. Installer: TortoiseSVN-
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Done with install and configuration.
  5. Size: 51MB


  1. Licensing: Open Source License
  2. Version: Version: 2.26.2 (64bit)
  3. Installer: Git-2.26.2-64-bit.exe
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Accept the default options (Git Bash, Git GUI, Git LFS, Associate .git & .sh files) until you get to the 'Choosing the default editor used by Git' screen. Choose Nano as the default text editor.
    3. Done with install and configuration.

Java SE Development Kit

  1. Replaces with Zulu OpenJDK. See next entry.
  2. Version: Java SE 11.0.3 LTS
  3. Installer: jdk-11.0.3_windows-x64_bin.exe
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Add the location “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.3\bin” to the Path environment variable.
    3. Done with install and configuration.

Zulu OpenJDK 11 LTS (Java)

  1. Licensing: Open Source
  2. Version: 11.0.8+10 LTS
  3. Installer: zulu11.41.23-ca-jdk11.0.8-win_x64.msi Link:
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Add the location “C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11\bin” to the Path environment variable.
    3. Done with install and configuration.
  5. Size: ~299 Mb


  1. Licensing: Apache License 2.0
  2. Version: 11.0
  3. Installer: & org-netbeans-libs-javafx-win.nbm
  4. Instructions:
    1. Extract the Binaries from zip file to C:\Program Files (x86) or other suitable location
    2. Start NetBeans by running “C:\Program Files\netbeans\bin\netbeans64.exe”. Also create a start menu shortcut.
    3. Go to the Tools → Java Platform Manager menu and be sure the Java Platform points to the JDK 11 (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.3) folder you installed earlier.
      • OR If using Zulu: Go to the Tools → Java Platform Manager menu and be sure the Java Platform points to Zulu 11 (C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11\bin) folder you installed earlier.
    4. Go to the Tools → Plugins → Available Plugins menu and install the nbjavac Library
    5. Go to the Tools → Plugins → Downloaded menu and install the org-netbeans-libs-javafx-win.nbm plugin to activate JavaFX
    6. Done with install and configuration.

See the Installing NetBeans document.

Eclipse IDE for Java Developers

  1. Version: 2019-03
  2. Installer:
  3. Instructions:
    1. Extract the Binaries from zip file to C:\Program Files (x86) or other suitable location
    2. Start Eclipse by running “C:\Program Files\eclipse\eclipse.exe”. Also create a start menu shortcut
    3. Done with install and configuration.

Atom IDE

  1. Licensing: BSD-licensed
  2. Vendor URL:
  3. Version: 1.36.1
  4. Installer: AtomSetup-x64-x64.exe
  5. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. When the option for 'Register as default atom: URI handler?' appears. Choose Yes.
    3. Start Atom
    4. Choose the 'Install a Package' option
    5. Open the installer
    6. Search for “ide-java 0.8.3” and install the package
    7. Done with install and configuration.

Visual Studio Code

  1. Licensing: Open Source License
  2. Version: 1.33 or latest
  3. Installer: VSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.33.1
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Accept the default options ensuring that when it comes to the 'Select Additional Tasks' screen, be sure ‘Add to PATH (available after restart) option is checked.
    3. Start Visual Studio Code.
    4. Go to Extensions and install C# (C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp))
    5. Go to Extensions and install Java Language Support
    6. Done with install and configuration.


  1. Licensing: Open Source License
  2. Version: 2019.1 Community Education
  3. Installer: ideaIE-2019.1.exe
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer
    2. Be sure the Add Launchers dir to the PATH option is checked
    3. Done with install and configuration.

Visual Studio 2019 Community

  1. Vendor URL:
  2. Version: 2019 Community v16.0.3
  3. Installer: vs_community__1512603858.1569958614.exe
  4. Instructions:
    1. Run the installer.
    2. When presented with the ‘install components’ option choose the following:
      1. ASP.NET and web development
      2. Python development
      3. .NET desktop development
      4. Azure development
      5. Node.js development
      6. Mobile Development with .NET
      7. Desktop Development
      8. Data storage and processing
      9. Data Science and Analytical applications
      10. .NET Core cross-platform development
      11. The Universal Windows Platform Development
    3. Done with install and configuration.
  5. Size: ~26.9 G

Cmder mini

  1. Licensing: Open Source License
  2. Vendor URL:
  3. Version: 1.3.11
  4. Installer:
  5. Instructions:
    1. Unzip package
    2. Move resulting cmder_mini folder to c:/ or other location as desired.
    3. Create a desktop and/or start menu shortcut to Cnder.exe.
    4. Done with install and configuration