====== Requested ITS Classroom and Lab Software for Spring 2022 ====== updated: 09/20/2021 ==== Apache NetBeans ==== - Updated for Spring 2022 - Licensing: Apache License 2.0 - Vendor URL: https://netbeans.apache.org/ - Version: 12.5 - Installer: Apache-NetBeans-12.5-bin-windows-x64.exe - Instructions: - Run the installer - Accept the default install location. - Set path to JDK to C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11\bin - Start NetBeans by running "C:\Program Files\netbeans\bin\netbeans64.exe". Also creates a start menu shortcut. - Go to the Tools -> Plugins -> Available Plugins menu and select JavaFX Implementation for Windows, Editor :: Autosave, and the nb-javac Java editing support library plugins. Click Install. - Go to the Tools -> Options -> Java Platforms menu and be sure the Java Platform points to Zulu 11 (C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11\bin) folder you installed earlier. - Exit Netbeans. - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 720 MB - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, & virtual (250 computers). ==== Zulu OpenJDK 11 LTS (Java) ==== - Updated for Spring 2022 - Licensing: Open Source - Vendor URL: https://www.azul.com/downloads/zulu-community - Version: 11.0.12 LTS - Installer: zulu11.50.19-ca-jdk11.0.12-win_x64.msi Link: https://cdn.azul.com/zulu/bin/zulu11.41.23-ca-jdk11.0.8-win_x64.msi - Instructions: - Run the installer - Add the location "C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11\bin" to the Path environment variable. - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 300 Mb - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, & Virtual (251 computers). ==== TortoiseSVN ==== - Licensing: GPL v2 - Vendor URL: https://tortoisesvn.net/ - Version: 1.14.1 - Installer: TortoiseSVN- - Instructions: - Run the installer - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 52MB - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250). ==== Putty ==== - Updated for spring 2022 - Licensing: Open source and distributed under the MIT license. - Vendor URL: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html - Version: 0.76 - Installer: putty-64bit-0.76-installer.msi - Instructions: - Run the installer - Accept the default component options. - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 4 MB - Location: All Labs, All IC. ==== CLISP ==== - Licensing: GNU General Public License - Vendor URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/clisp/files/ - Version: 2.49 - Installer: clisp-2.49-win32-mingw-big - Instructions: - Run the installer - Choose Install for All users and accept the remaining default component options. - Choose Destination Folder, Menu Folder (usually defaults) - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 30 MB - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200 (149 computers). ==== Cmder mini ==== - New for Spring 2023 - Licensing: Open Source License - Vendor URL: http://cmder.app/ - Version: 1.3.19 - Installer: cmder_mini.zip - Instructions: - Unzip package - Move resulting cmder_mini folder to c:/ or other location as desired. - Create a desktop and/or start menu shortcut to Cnder.exe. - Done with install and configuration - Size: 30MB - Location: Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250). ==== Git ==== - Licensing: Open Source License - Vendor URL: https://git-scm.com/ - Version: Version: 2.33.0 (64bit) - Installer: Git- - Instructions: - Run the installer - Accept the default options - Windows Explorer integration - Git Bash Here - Git GUI Here - Git LFS - Associate .git files with the default editor - Associate .sh files to be run with Bash - When you get to the 'Choosing the default editor used by Git' screen. Choose Nano as the default text editor. Then select all the remaining default options. - Add C:\Program Files\Git\cmd to the Path Environment Variable. - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 742 MB - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250). ==== NodeJS w/Angular ==== == Install before Visual Studio Code & Firebase == - New for Spring 2023 - Licensing: Open Source License https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/LICENSE - Vendor URL: https://nodejs.org/en/ - Version: 14.18.0 LTS - Installer: node-v14.18.0-x64.msi - Instructions: - Run the installer accepting the default options. - When the installer finishes, open a Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as administrator and enter “npm install -g @angular/cli@latest” - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 82 MB - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250). ==== Visual Studio Code ==== == Install after NodeJS == == Include extensions: TypeScript, TypeScript Hero, Angular Snippets (version 8) Angular Essentials, & Angular Bootstrap Snippets == - Licensing: Open Source License - Vendor URL: https://code.visualstudio.com/ - Version: 1.60.2 or latest - Installer: VSCodeSetup-x64-1.60.2.exe - Instructions: - Run the installer - Accept the default options ensuring that when it comes to the 'Select Additional Tasks' screen, be sure ‘Add to PATH (requires shell restart) option is checked. - Open a Windows CMD Prompt at install typescript by running 'npm install -g typescript' - Add typescript to each users environment variable (/Users/YourAccountNameHere/appdata/roaming/npm) if not already be there. - Close CMD Prompt - Start Visual Studio Code. - Configure to use My Documents folder on the lab machine as the workspace so all projects are saved there (Should be default after install). - Go to Preferences -> Extensions and install - SSH Terminal 0.0.4 - Java Language Support v0.2.39 - C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp) v.1.23.15 - Angular snippets v12.0.0 - angular2-switcher v0.3.4 - Angular Language Service v12.2.0 - REST Client v0.24.5 - TSLint v1.3.3 - Prettier - Code formatter v9.0.0 - Material Icon Theme v4.10.0 - typescript v0.0.1 - TypeScript Hero v3.0.0 - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 305 MB - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250). ==== Python3 ==== == Install before Django == - Licensing: Open Source License - Vendor URL: https://www.python.org/ - Version: 3.9.7 - Installer: python-3.9.7-amd64 - Instructions: - Run the installer as administrator - Choose the ‘Customize installation" - Keep the default options until you get to Customize install location. Be sure: - Install for all users is checked - Add Python to environment variables is checked - Install location is C:\Program Files\Python39. - Click Install. - After installer finishes. Check that the path to the python.exe executable has been added to the system’s ‘Path’ environment variable. - The Path environment variable is found in Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables - Or if you prefer the less user friendly Window 10 Settings approach. Settings -> System -> About -> System info -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables. - Open a Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator: - Enter "python –m pip install --upgrade pip" **(That's a dash before the m and 2 dashes before the upgrade)** - Enter “python –m pip install numpy pandas matplotlib scikit-learn patsy statsmodels jupyter - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 652 MB - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Morrill 103, 105, 107, Virtual Lab. (154 computers) ==== Django for Python3 w/mysqlclient ==== == Install after Python 3.9.7 == Licensing: Open Source License https://www.djangoproject.com/trademarks/ - Vendor URL: https://www.djangoproject.com/ - Version: 3.2.7 - Installer: There is no install file. Once Python3 is installed (#3) use Python’s Pip to install Django. - Instructions: - After the path to the python.exe executable is included in the Windows Path environment variable, open a Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator and enter “python –m pip install Django” and pip will download and install Django. - In the Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator, enter “python –m pip install mysqlclient” and pip will download and install the MySQL client & drivers. - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 59 MB - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Morrill 103, 105, 107, Virtual Lab. (154 computers) ==== Firebase CLI ==== == Install after Node.js == - Licensing: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License - Vendor URL: https://firebase.google.com/ - Version: 2.88.2 or latest - Installer: There is no install file. Once Python3 is installed (#3) use Python’s Pip to install Django. - Instructions: - Open a Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as administrator and enter “npm install -g firebase-tools” - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 85 MB - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250). ==== Atom IDE ==== - Licensing: BSD-licensed - Vendor URL: https://atom.io/ - Version: 1.58.0 - Installer: AtomSetup-x64.exe - Instructions: - Run the installer - When the option for 'Register as default atom: URI handler?' appears. Choose Yes. - Start Atom - Choose the 'Install a Package' option - Open the installer - Search for and install the following packages - ide-java v0.9.1 - platformio-ide-terminal v2.10.1 - Under //Edit>>Settings>>Packages>>Platformio Ide Terminal>>Settings>>Shell Override// Set Shell Override to the cmd.exe (C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe) - autocomplete-python v1.17.0 - atom-django v0.3.2 - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 114 MB - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Library 14, 118, AG Hill 234, 300, 334, Morrill 103, 105, 107, and Virtual (250). ==== Bcrypt for Python and Django ==== == (Install after Python3 and Django) == - Licensing: Open Source License - Vendor URL: https://pypi.org/project/bcrypt/ - Version: 3.2.0 - Installer: There is no install file. Once Python3 and Django are installed use Python’s Pip to install bcrypt. - Instructions: - Open a Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator - Enter "pip install bcrypt Django[argon2]" - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 62 KB - Location: QBB 102, 104, 106, 114, 116, 132, 150, 200, WDC 92, Morrill 103, 105, 107, Virtual Lab. (154 computers) ---- ====== Requester ====== ^ Program ^ Requester^ Config Created^ Request Complete^ |CLISP|Guy|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:| |NetBeans|Alex/Joe|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:| |Zulu JDK|Alex/Joe|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:| |Tortoise SVN|Alex|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:| |Putty|Alex|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:| |Cmder|Pratap|:white_check_mark: |:white_check_mark: | |git|Pratap|:white_check_mark: |:white_check_mark: | |NodeJS|Pratap|:white_check_mark: |:white_check_mark:| |Visual Studio Code|Pratap|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:| |Python|Pratap|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:| |Django|Pratap|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark: | |Firebase CLI|Pratap|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:| |Atom IDE|Pratap|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:| |Bcrypt|Pratap|:white_check_mark:|:white_check_mark:|