====== Requested ITS Classroom and Lab Software for Fall 2020 ====== updated: 5/1/2020 8/25/2020 ==== X2Go ==== - Licensing: GNU General Public License - Vendor URL: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/download:start - Version: (64bit) - Installer: x2goclient- - Instructions: - Run the installer - Accept the default component options. - Choose Destination Folder, Menu Folder (usually defaults) - Done with install and configuration. - Firewall can be configured to only connect to NDUS networks and NDSU internal networks. - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 55MB ==== CLISP ==== - Licensing: GNU General Public License - Vendor URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/clisp/files/ - Version: 2.49 - Installer: clisp-2.49-win32-mingw-big - Instructions: - Run the installer - Accept the default component options. - Choose Destination Folder, Menu Folder (usually defaults) - Done with install and configuration. ==== tkMOO-Lite ==== - Licensing: http://www.awns.com/tkMOO-light/LICENCE - Vendor URL: http://www.awns.com/tkMOO-light - Version: 0.3.32 - Installer: tm0-3-32s.exe - Instructions: - Extract installer to C:\Program Files (x86) or other suitable location - Create link to " C:\Program Files (x86)\tm0-3-32s\tkmoo.exe" or folder chosen in previous step. - Done with install and configuration. ==== TortoiseSVN ==== - Licensing: GPL v2 - Vendor URL: https://tortoisesvn.net/ - Version: 1.12.0 - Installer: TortoiseSVN- - Instructions: - Run the installer - Done with install and configuration. - Size: 51MB ==== Git ==== - Licensing: Open Source License - Vendor URL: https://git-scm.com/ - Version: Version: 2.26.2 (64bit) - Installer: Git-2.26.2-64-bit.exe - Instructions: - Run the installer - Accept the default options (Git Bash, Git GUI, Git LFS, Associate .git & .sh files) until you get to the 'Choosing the default editor used by Git' screen. Choose Nano as the default text editor. - Done with install and configuration. ==== Java SE Development Kit ==== - Replaces with Zulu OpenJDK. See next entry. - Licensing: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/terms/license/javase-license.html - Vendor URL: https://www.java.com/en/ - Version: Java SE 11.0.3 LTS - Installer: jdk-11.0.3_windows-x64_bin.exe - Instructions: - Run the installer - Add the location “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.3\bin” to the Path environment variable. - Done with install and configuration. ==== Zulu OpenJDK 11 LTS (Java) ==== - Licensing: Open Source - Vendor URL: https://www.azul.com/downloads/zulu-community - Version: 11.0.8+10 LTS - Installer: zulu11.41.23-ca-jdk11.0.8-win_x64.msi Link: https://cdn.azul.com/zulu/bin/zulu11.41.23-ca-jdk11.0.8-win_x64.msi - Instructions: - Run the installer - Add the location "C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11\bin" to the Path environment variable. - Done with install and configuration. - Size: ~299 Mb ==== Netbeans ==== - Licensing: Apache License 2.0 - Vendor URL: https://netbeans.apache.org/ - Version: 11.0 - Installer: incubating-netbeans-11.0-bin.zip & org-netbeans-libs-javafx-win.nbm - Instructions: - Extract the Binaries from zip file to C:\Program Files (x86) or other suitable location - Start NetBeans by running "C:\Program Files\netbeans\bin\netbeans64.exe". Also create a start menu shortcut. - Go to the Tools -> Java Platform Manager menu and be sure the Java Platform points to the JDK 11 (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.3) folder you installed earlier. * **OR If using Zulu:** Go to the Tools -> Java Platform Manager menu and be sure the Java Platform points to Zulu 11 (C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11\bin) folder you installed earlier. - Go to the Tools -> Plugins -> Available Plugins menu and install the nbjavac Library - Go to the Tools -> Plugins -> Downloaded menu and install the org-netbeans-libs-javafx-win.nbm plugin to activate JavaFX - Done with install and configuration. See the {{ :helpdocs:installing_the_jdk_netbeans_and_subversion.docx |Installing NetBeans}} document. ==== Eclipse IDE for Java Developers ==== - Licensing: https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ - Vendor URL: https://www.eclipse.org/ - Version: 2019-03 - Installer: eclipse-java-2019-03-R-win32-x86_64.zip - Instructions: - Extract the Binaries from zip file to C:\Program Files (x86) or other suitable location - Start Eclipse by running "C:\Program Files\eclipse\eclipse.exe". Also create a start menu shortcut - Done with install and configuration. ==== Atom IDE ==== - Licensing: BSD-licensed - Vendor URL: https://atom.io/ - Version: 1.36.1 - Installer: AtomSetup-x64-x64.exe - Instructions: - Run the installer - When the option for 'Register as default atom: URI handler?' appears. Choose Yes. - Start Atom - Choose the 'Install a Package' option - Open the installer - Search for "ide-java 0.8.3" and install the package - Done with install and configuration. ==== Visual Studio Code ==== - Licensing: Open Source License - Vendor URL: https://code.visualstudio.com/ - Version: 1.33 or latest - Installer: VSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.33.1 - Instructions: - Run the installer - Accept the default options ensuring that when it comes to the 'Select Additional Tasks' screen, be sure ‘Add to PATH (available after restart) option is checked. - Start Visual Studio Code. - Go to Extensions and install C# (C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp)) - Go to Extensions and install Java Language Support - Done with install and configuration. ==== IntelliJ ==== - Licensing: Open Source License - Vendor URL: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=windows - Version: 2019.1 Community Education - Installer: ideaIE-2019.1.exe - Instructions: - Run the installer - Be sure the Add Launchers dir to the PATH option is checked - Done with install and configuration. ==== Visual Studio 2019 Community ==== - Licensing: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/license-terms/mlt031819/ - Vendor URL: - Version: 2019 Community v16.0.3 - Installer: vs_community__1512603858.1569958614.exe - Instructions: - Run the installer. - When presented with the ‘install components’ option choose the following: - ASP.NET and web development - Python development - .NET desktop development - Azure development - Node.js development - Mobile Development with .NET - Desktop Development - Data storage and processing - Data Science and Analytical applications - .NET Core cross-platform development - The Universal Windows Platform Development - Done with install and configuration. - Size: ~26.9 G ==== Cmder mini ==== - Licensing: Open Source License - Vendor URL: http://cmder.net/ - Version: 1.3.11 - Installer: cmder_mini.zip - Instructions: - Unzip package - Move resulting cmder_mini folder to c:/ or other location as desired. - Create a desktop and/or start menu shortcut to Cnder.exe. - Done with install and configuration