====== Comments on Paper Reviewing ====== Dr. Denton outlined a few guidelines for reviewing papers properly.\\ * Conflict of Interest - must be reported and lead to the rejection of the reviewing * A reviewer has always the option to decline the reviewing of a paper for undisclosed reasons * Importance of quality - Comments and suggestions made to the authors of a paper must be correct and sound * Don't get carried away - Rather than commenting on how something should be done, comment on how clearly or sound things are that were done * Summarize - the first few sentences of a review should summarize the paper, its approach, etc. to show the authors that the paper was read and to show the editor and authors that the paper was understood * Do not focus on grammar and spelling - You are not supposed to review the paper because of your English expertise, but because of your domain expertise * Corrections - When suggesting corrections, focus on formulae and figures Domain Expertise\\ * Correctness of figures * Correctness of formulas and math * Sufficient experimental details