===== Computer Science 101* ===== == *A.K.A. What every Computer Science student should know == - [[deptlab:cs101:Student hardware requirements|Student hardware requirements]]. - [[deptlab:cs101:howtoaskforhelp|I have a problem]]. - [[cs101:authentication|Authentication]] - Connecting to a remote computer. - [[cs101:sshfromlinux|SSH from Linux/Mac]] - [[cs101:sshfromwindows|SSH from Windows]] - [[classes:csci125:start:RDPtoVM| RDP to a remote windows desktop]] * [[deptlab:newitsremotedesktop|New Remote Desktop procedures]] to connect to NDSU ITS Labs. - How to edit a file on the remote computer - [[deptlab:cs101:cli_nano|Using Nano (A command line editor.)]] - How to transfer files to/from a remote computer. * From Linux/Mac * [[cs101:scpfromlinux|SCP From Linux/Mac CLI]] * [[cs101:sftpfromlinux|SFTP From Linux/Mac CLI]] * [[cs101:sftpfromlinuxgui|SFTP From Linux GUI]] * From Windows * [[cs101:scpfromwindows|Using WinSCP]] - SVN (Subversion) * [[cs101:tortoiseSvn:TortoiseSVN]] on Windows - [[deptlab:usingthelab|How to use the CS Department Linux lab]] (QBB 244) - [[cs101:databases|Databases]] in the CS Department - Languages used in the CS Department (a noninclusive list). * C/C++ * [[https://gcc.gnu.org/|gcc/g++]] is available in the QBB 244 Linux lab. * COBOL * [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnucobol/|OpenCOBOL]] is available in the QBB 244 Linux lab. * Java * Zulu OpenJDK 11 is available in the QBB 244 Linux lab and the QBB 1st floor ITS Windows labs. * LISP * [[https://clisp.sourceforge.io/|CLISP]] is available in the QBB 244 Linux lab and the QBB 1st floor ITS Windows labs. * Perl * Perl 5 is available in the QBB 244 Linux lab. * PHP * PHP 8.1.x is available in the QBB 244 Linux lab. * Python * Python 3.10.x is available in the QBB 244 Linux lab. Python 3.8.x in the 1st floor ITS Windows labs. * [[deptlab:python_virtual_env|Using Python on a shared computer like the 244 lab]]. * For CUDA in virtual environment: * pip install nvidia-cudnn-cu11== * python3 -m pip install --upgrade tensorrt * or: pip install nvidia-pyindex * pip install nvidia-cudnn * CUDNN_PATH=$(dirname $(python -c "import nvidia.cudnn;print(nvidia.cudnn.__file__)")) * export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$CONDA_PREFIX/lib/:$CUDNN_PATH/lib /* apt-get install nvidia-cuda-dev nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-cuda-toolkit-doc */ * R - For statistical computing and graphics. * R 4.1.x is is available in the QBB 244 Linux lab. * Visual Studio .NET C, C#, & Visual Basic * Available QBB 1st floor ITS Windows labs, or just download the community version at [[https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/|https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/]] - The Web Browser * If pages don't refresh as expected, you may have to clear the browser's cache. * [[deptlab:cs101:chrome_cache|How to clear the browser cache in Chrome]]. The procedure in other browsers may differ. - Antivirus * It used to be that on Windows you should run two independent antivirus system. Now the recommendation is to just be careful at what you do online. * Just run the included Windows Defender (Or whatever it's currently called). - Firewalls * Set your firewall to block unnecessary incoming connections. This is usually ALL connections on a non server device. * [[deptlab:cs101:ufw_firewall|Block inbound connections on Ubuntu]]. * [[deptlab:cs101:windows10_firewall|Blocking inbound connections on Windows 10]]. - Email * Email is the **official mode of communication** at NDSU. Check your @ndsu.edu account for class, fin. aid & billing reminders. * You are responsible for monitoring **both your Inbox and Junk mail folders** for official communications from NDUS and NDUS departments as well as messages from Faculty. * If a valid message arrives in my Junk mail folder, [[deptlab:cs101:report_not_junk_emails|how do I prevent this in the future]]? Informative Videos: * Cloud$ vs Metal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O66xpoRpyRk&list=WL&index=4 /* import pkg_resources from subprocess import call packages = [dist.project_name for dist in pkg_resources.working_set] call("pip install --upgrade " + ' '.join(packages), shell=True) */ /* Firewalls Storage Windows Privacy Don't use a Microsoft Account. That way Microsoft can't (or at least it's harder) to associate what you do to a specific person. Concurency Windows Update */