====== How to transfer files between Linux computers using SFTP via a GUI ====== This information is provided for the [[https://www.ubuntu.com/|Ubuntu]]/Debian editions of Linux used in the CS Department (FileZilla version 3.46.3). Other Linux versions may vary. FileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interface. * **Note:** Filezilla does support FTP and FTPS protocols, but as they are no longer considered secure, they are not used by the CS Department. ===== Connecting to a server ===== First connect to a server. This is our example login data - use your own data instead if you actually want to connect to a remote computer. Host: example.edu Username: juser Password: Snf9WbmV3c Port: 22 Using the quickconnect bar near the top of the FileZilla window: Enter the hostname into the **Host:** field, the username into the **Username:** and the password into the **Password:** field. You may leave the Port: field empty unless your login information specifies a certain port to use. {{:cs101:filezilla_quickconnect.png?nolink|}} Now click on the Quickconnect button. * **Note:** If your login information specifies a protocol like SFTP enter the hostname as follows: sftp://hostname. Most likely at NDSU, entering a protocol will not be necessary. FileZilla will now try to connect to the remote computer. * **Note:** If you have never connected to the remote computer from your current computer, you man get an Unknown host key warning message. {{:cs101:filezilla_unknownhost.png?direct&400|}} If the Host: and port number are correct, click OK. If the connection is successful, you will notice that the right "column" switched from Not connected to any server to displaying a list of files and directories on the remote computer. {{:cs101:filezilla_connected.png?direct&600|}} ===== Window Layout and Navigation ===== Below the Quickconnect bar are: * The connection status window. Look here for info on connection problems. * The left column (local pane) displays the local files and directories. * The right column (remote pane) displays the files and directories on the computer to which you are connected. * Both columns have a directory tree at the top and a detailed listing of the currently selected directory's contents at the bottom. * You can navigate either of the trees like in any other file manager. * At the bottom of the window, the transfer queue lists the to-be-transferred and already transferred files. ===== Transferring files ===== ==== Upload ==== To upload a file to the remote computer. * In the local pane: Navigate to the directory which contains the data to be uploaded. * In the remote page: Navigate to the target directory on the server (using the remote pane's file listings). * To upload the data: Select the respective files/directories from the left (local) pane and drag them to the remote pane. You will notice that the files will be added to the transfer queue at the bottom of the window and soon thereafter be removed when they are completely uploaded to the server. The uploaded files and directories should now be displayed in the remote content listing at the right side of the window. ==== Download ==== Downloading files, or directories, works essentially the same way as uploading. Drag the files/directories from the right (remote) pane to the left (local) pane. * **Note:** In case you try to overwrite a file during upload or download, FileZilla will by default display a dialog asking what to do (overwrite, rename, skip). For more information, See [[https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Documentation|Filezilla's documentation]].